1 Left - Photo from left: 1st International President Michaela Feuerstein, 2nd Secretary General Lee Kantin, 3rd Dr. Sok Pal Cho (Korea Chapter President), Dr. Sok Hwan Cho (Korea Representative, KAIM Chairman)
History of International SIEC-ISBE and SIEC Korea Chapter
In 1901, the International Society for Business Education was established in Zurich, Switzerland, under the presidency of Dr. Stegemann from Brunswick, Germany. Several committee meetings were held to discuss the activities of this new International Society-the inaugural meeting Zurich in 1901, the Hague in 1902, Brunswick in 1903, Liege in 1905, and Miland and Stuttgart in 1906. The first International Conference was held in Lausanne from 29 July ~ 6 September 1907. In 1903 ~1904, the first editions of the Review (Journal) were published under the title of the “International Review for the Development of Business Education.” The constitution of the Society was approved in 1901 in Zurich. From 1901 ~1914, both corporate and individual membership increase during this period. From a base of 18 National Groups in 1901, the number of groups and representatives grew until 1914, when there were 31 countries those are Austria, Belgium, Denmark, England/Great Britain, France, Germany, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Norway, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sweden Switzerland, United States, Finland, Egypt, Canada, Argentina, Chile, India, Mexico, Portugal, Spain, Turkey, Bosnia, Bulgaria, and Croatia with representatives participating in the international course.
For the period of 1914~1918, the time of the First World War, and for several years afterwards, the International Society for Business Education did not meet. A meeting of International Initiating Committee was held on 24 September 1926 to re-establish the Society on the former basis. SIEC membership increased from 23 countries with a total of 360 members in 1926 to 40 countries with a total of 2,517 members in 1932. In the period from 1927 to 1939, 13 annual International Course were organized and conducted in thirteen different countries. But annual courses were not held from 1940 through 1946 because of World War II.
The organization was again brought back to life in 1946 following the conclusion of the Second World War under the leadership of Dr. A. Junod (Switzerland).
This historic period of 1947 to 1960, following the conclusion of the Second World War, saw SIEC renewing its vigor and re-establishing national groups. The annual International Courses were re-established and held throughout this period. The period of 1961~1975 was a transitional period in the history of SIEC-ISBE, one which saw a number of changes occurring in the organization. The SIEC become generally strengthened as an organization. It was positioned to enhance its ability to serve Business Education through International Courses. For the period of 1976~1989, fifteen National Chapters held membership in 1976, and there were 16 National Chapters in 1989. A Pedagogical Committee was established to provide programs at the International Conferences. The Review continued to be published on a regular basis. The November, 1982, Review was the 100th issue. For the period of 1990~2001, the international Society was again on the threshold of change in this decade. It was a time to look to the past and prepare for the future of the Society. It was a time to get ready for the new millennium. Twenty-one National Chapters were actively involved in the Society at the end of the century. At the 2000 International Conference in Helsinki, the Korean National Chapter was officially recognized as SIEC/ISBE’s newest chapter. Since 2000 year, the Korean National Chapter has being dispatched 2~3 delegates to SIEC International Conference with presenting the topic of Seminar.